Over 300 parents and community members give hundreds of hours each year, serving as guest speakers and committee members, helping in the classrooms, and chaperoning field trips. Volunteers are present in our school every day and are critical to the success of our programs for students. Room parents organize classrooms and assist classroom teachers with small jobs. Fee-based programs, such as foreign language, Girls on the Run and Bricks for Kids, are held after school.
The PTSA annual fall fund run is the one major fundraising event we do at Serene Lake and, due to its success, they are able to help provide financial support for many of our programs. For example, classroom field trips, assemblies, Raz Kids educational program classroom books, and teacher and staff grants are just a few ways the PTSA supports our school.
If you would like to learn more about the PTSA and how to get involved, call 425.366.3500 and we will put you in touch.